Republic Day

I and my friends always wait eagerly for 26th of Jan, not just because it is republic day, but also because it is the only event that there is a celebration of our building. There are games, food,  dance and of course, the flag hoisting. A day or two before Republic day is the best because there is a stage put up, all the cars are cleared out of the parking lot and there are lights put up. We all love to squeeze in beneath the stage and play hide and seek and jump on the stage and do stunts and antics and dance and play a game that we invented called ‘Creature.’ kids of all ages come and nobody minds when we jump on the stage and act like monkeys.

I and my friends are always eager to perform and we do something every year. we run up and down everyone’s house to call them for last minute rehearsals and practice the same thing again and again. We did two dances this year one on the song Shubhaarambh as the welcome dance and one dance about the lives of soldiers.

On Republic day, we start the day with the flag hosting some adults give speeches and sing songs. We kids are also invited to sing a song or give a speech. I along with two of my friends sang Vande Mataram. Then we eat breakfast. Our building provides for all the meals and it is very fun to sit on the playground and eat our meal together. All my friends gather and we enjoy the day together. Next are the games. Some people who volunteer, are in charge of the games, and the bigger children help in making the race track. We have racing for different age groups, and then different types of games. This year we also had a slow cycling race (sadly I couldn’t win) we eat lunch, and then run to someone’s house for a rehearsal. Then we go down and play until evening until its time to go to get ready for our dances and then assemble for the performance to start. We remove all the hours of practice on to the stage and then run to change for the next performance. After the programme, we go eat dinner, play for a while and go to sleep. here are some pictures of my day.

Me holding the national flag.






















These are the pictures of my soldier dance. (sorry cause they are a little shaky)

Pictures of my welcome dance.


What’s A Full Blue, Super, Blood Moon Eclipse?

I’m really looking forward to 31st Jan because on that day, something epic is going to happen. A full BLUE, SUPER, BLOOD moon eclipse! Not just a full moon eclipse, but a full BLUE, SUPER, BLOOD moon eclipse! A three in one! I can’t wait and I am feeling so impatient even though it is just a day away.

A full moon eclipse is when the sun, the moon, and the earth get in a straight line and the earth comes in front of the moon blocking the light from the sun and creates a shadow over the moon.

A blue moon is when a full moon appears two times in a month and the second time is called a blue moon. It doesn’t mean that the moon looks blue or something but it is just a term given to the full moon if it appears two times in a month. This is very rare and maybe that’s why there’s this phrase that says: ‘Once in a blue moon.’

A supermoon is when the moon comes the closest to the earth or is at perihelion which means it is at the closest point to earth and can appear 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than normal.

A blood moon is when, during an eclipse when earth casts a red-tinted shadow on the surface of the moon, and it appears to be a rusty, reddish copper kind of color. This happens because the rays of the sun are made of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When the sun rays hit the atmosphere of the earth, most of the colors get scattered away and the color red remains. Due to which we see a blood moon during a full moon eclipse.

All these all together make the full blue, super, blood eclipse. This eclipse is occurring after 152 years and this is a chance of a lifetime. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

