The Best Navratri Ever!!!

After eight days of fasting and praying people invite girls to their homes, worship them, give them food, and small gifts because they believe they come down to the earth in the form of goddess Durga.  As a girl, I am invited, but sometimes I feel bored doing the same thing each year,  the same rituals, same food, same gifts. Walking from this building to that, totally nonstop, I felt exhausted, stuffing food in and carrying  all those gifts around I finally went home. And started discussing the whole day with my mother.When I told her, my feelings….Ok, she said let”s do something creative…. And that’s when we decided to do a dance, storytelling, and playing event for girls, no rituals, no nothing, just happiness, happiness & happiness. And you know, it turned out really fantastic. We danced, played dandiya, did storytelling, played a lot & finally gave the gift packets which contained wafers, chocolate, a packet of noodles & fancy things. We finally bid everyone goodbye. And when everyone was gone,  I went to my mother hugged her and told
her ” this was the best Navratri I ever had!…
