Playing around with Papier Theatre!

Papier Theatre is a miniature form of theatre. Back in the 19th century, parents used to make small stages and puppets out of paper and put up a show for their kids. Recently, I went to a workshop for Papier Theatre conducted by Frederic Simon, a french puppeteer. I learned how to make the whole stage and backdrop from a cardboard box, I and my group, we painted different backgrounds, made puppets and our props from wires, paper and cardboard. Simultaneously, Frederic sir showed us how we can make puppets from things lying around your house. Things like scrap paper, cloth, your fingers, and he put up mini examples for us which left us in rapture! It seemed as the puppets in his hand had come alive. With all the puppets and the theatre we made, we put up a show in the end. It was named The Golden Bird. The other groups had put up spectacular shows too. It was a wonderful experience! Here are a few pictures from the workshop:

Our theatre, puppets and props.
My fellow puppeteers at the workshop.
Close up.

Happy Friendship Day! Friendship day crafts!

Friendship day is coming up soon on 5th August, Sunday; and this time, the crafty side of my mind started running, I make my own friendship bracelets every year, like the last time I made them out of quilling; This time, I wanted to do something more than usual. So, I made some cards, rings made with loom bands, personalized letters, and friendship bands. Here’s how I made all of them:

For the personalized cards, I browsed some images on the internet, using the tag: friends drawing. I scrolled down through the images and took screenshots of the ones I liked and then using those images as a base, and inserting my ideas, I made the drawings in my sketchbook and cut them out and then used my new Faber Castell color pencils that I had bought recently to make my cards. Here they are:



For the friendship bands, I used some foam strips shaped like ice-cream sticks (that’s the best way I could describe them) and stuck a bead on one side, and a loop of thread on the opposite side, so we can wear it. I wrote my friend’s name on top and HFD on the bottom with my name. here they are!

This is how they function:

I also made these rings with loom bands as a bonus:

Here I am sampling all of them:

I made individual personalized letters for all my friends: I wrote all the things I like about them and I added in small messages like, “you are perfectly imperfect!” and; “Roses are red, the sky is blue, sugar is sweet and so are you!”

Here they are:

So these were all my friendship day crafts, you can also make these for your friends and i hope you found these ideas useful. Happy friendship day!


My New Colorful, Painted Shoes!


IMG-20151228-WA0007I love to paint a lot! So much, that I can paint everything around me, from vases to boxes to phone covers and walls! So, why can’t I paint my shoes?  And that set me of and I was seen armed with brushes and tubs of paint and then I set to work. I painted them with acrylic colors to make them water proof and used warm shades, but you can use any shade you like, then I outlined them with a permanent marker to give a finished look. Lo and behold! Some boring, plain white shoes turned into colorful ones in just a few hours! You can try this too. Just put on your thinking cap, and get to work!


Hand Made Pendant Set For Mother!

image image2 Friends, on my mother’s birthday I gifted her a  pendant set.

One had a geometrical design & the other was  leaf shaped with my mother’s name’s starting  letter ‘S’ on it.

I will show you how to make it, so that  you can  also make it for your mother.

First apply talc powder on your hands & then take white M-seal and start making  the base shape that you want. Then to put it in the chain you need a hole, so with clay or M-seal make a round loop & attach it to the pendant.

If you want to engrave lines or designs in your pendant you must do this before it dries.

Tick, tock, tick, tock. Let it dry for a day or two. After it dries, take up your brush young artist & paint it with your favorite colors.

There we are. The pendant for your mother is ready!


Let’s Make A Designer Fruit Plate


Hello friends,

I am going to tell you how to make a M-seal leaf shaped plate.

Take a bowl & turn it upside down, put a leaf on top of it.


  • Apply M-seal on it.
  • For the base you can use a jar’s cap.
  • Then set another leaf on top.
  • After it is dry take both of the leaves off.
    paint it
  • Decorate it.
  • Make sure your leaf is large enough to make your plate. I made this in autumn with dry leaves.

Pleasure of giving handmade gifts.

It was my friend’ s birthday yesterday & I gave her a bag painted by me, I also gave her a poem , written by me on friendship.

I painted the bag & decorated it with glitter & wrote “best friends forever” under the painting.

2015-02-28 18.14.08

What ever you do, the thing which is important is you made it.

If somebody would give me a gift made by self, even if it is not so perfect, I would be very happy.

I also made an envelope in which I put the poem.

I think, our feelings are more important than the gift.

Tell me which is more important ? A very luxurious  gift given with no love or a simple gift given with lots of love? Of course you know the answer.

So what are you waiting for? Go & make gifts for your friends with a smile & you will be showered with even more smiles.


Hanging Lamp

2014-12-29 18.45.15Hello friends, can you guess what is the base material of these light beauties? Yes, it is made up of a paper bag. Come, let’s make them.

First you start off with:

Take a paper bag, and after folding it cut triangles in it so that it looks like the bag on the left.

Cut  the bottom in a zigzag way.

Make designs on the bag.

Outline the diamonds with the colour of your choice.


