If I Would Be The Prime Minister Of My Country…..

If I would be the prime minster of my country, my first iniative would be to make India 100% educated. Whenever I go out, I see hundreds of people uneducated. I think if the people are educated, India will leap to a state, 100 times better than now. My second biggest initiative would be women empowerment. I will make them aware of there rights.Women are the back bone of our country, if the women moves the family moves and the country moves. I want to promote this saying a lot.

My next step would be to greenify India. NSymbolic-Colors-of-Indiaature can live without us, but we cannot live without nature and so I will make India rich in flora and fauna.

I will be so happy when my fourth dream will come true. I will promote classical music and dance and art a lot too. But for now, I must stop daydreaming and get to work instead!…




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