Book Review: Your Turn Now 2

Book Review: YOUR TURN NOW 2

Your Turn Now 2 was recently launched on 27th Feb 2016.

As you see, the book is as interesting as its name. ‘Your Turn Now 2’ has heartwarming stories of random acts of kindness that are really true, inspired by the little blue card.

Just as a stone causes the whole puddle to ripple, this concept of the little blue card has touched thousands of hearts. I love the book from deep down my heart.

Some of my favorite stories are ‘Ssmall Actions-Huge Consequences’ ‘Little People, Big Hearts’ & ‘I Felt Great’. With the blue cards in their hands anyone can do anything for kindness. You can be a kindness patron too; you just need a kind heart.

This book is a must read book for all ages, specially kids because we, kids, have to take forward the kindness for better future.

The concept is by Rushabh Turakhia and is published by ‘FunOkPlease’.  It has beautiful illustrations by ‘Happy Fish’ and is written by Lubaina Bandukwala. Its price is Rs. 250.

So just grab the book now and let the blue magic reveal itself.



One thought on “Book Review: Your Turn Now 2”

  1. This was a very interesting book???. My mom and dad use to tell me that we should always not talk or help strangers as they can do anything to us. But after I read this book I realised that this world is not so bad as I thought. This was a very inspiring book.

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